About APRI
APRI – Africa Policy Research Institute is a Berlin-based, independent, non-partisan policy institute researching key policy issues affecting the African continent. APRI has three main program areas: economy & society, technology, and climate change. The Economy and Society Program seeks to understand things as they are – before looking for how to improve them. It focuses on how African bureaucracies work and, why policymakers make the choices they make, the constraints governments and private sector actors face. We want to understand how partners can support them without unnecessarily constraining their policy space.
APRI seeks a highly motivated and enthusiastic research intern to support and contribute to its work under the Economy and Society Program. The ideal candidate will have research and project support experience, good knowledge, and an interest in socio-economic issues affecting Africa. The successful candidate will support the team in Berlin on all aspects of the project and contribute to content development, including research and policy outputs.