
Did you know?

Rufaro Siwela
Rufaro Siwela - Content writer
1 Min Read

Did you know that the Mapostori dominates Zimbabwean religious sector?

Christianity is the most dominant faith in Zimbabwe, followed by roughly 87.4% of the population. It was introduced to the Zimbabwean people by British missionaries as early as the 14th century. Today, it has become a powerful cultural force. Christian values relating to the family and marriage have modified traditional practices, for example, encouraging smaller nuclear families and reducing the practice of polygamy.

Apostolic Sect 40.3%, Pentecostal 17%, Protestant 13.8%, other Christian 7.8%, Roman Catholic 6.4%, African traditionalist 5%, other 1.5% (includes Muslim, Jewish, Hindu), none 8.3% (2022 est.)

There has been a recent increase in Evangelical worship towards the Apostolic and Pentecostal churches. Two very large and publicly visible groups are the Vapostori and Zion Christian Church. Vapostori is an amalgamation of traditional religion with Christianity. Its worshippers often gather outdoors in white robes. The Zion Christian Church also fuses African traditions with Christian values. Its followers often wear a metal star badge with a dark green cloth background on top of their everyday clothes.

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Did you know?

Did you know that the Mapostori dominates Zimbabwean religious sector?

Christianity is the most dominant faith in Zimbabwe, followed by roughly 87.4% of the population. It was introduced to the Zimbabwean people by British missionaries as early as the 14th century. Today, it has become a powerful cultural force. Christian values relating to the family and marriage have modified traditional practices, for example, encouraging smaller nuclear families and reducing the practice of polygamy.

Apostolic Sect 40.3%, Pentecostal 17%, Protestant 13.8%, other Christian 7.8%, Roman Catholic 6.4%, African traditionalist 5%, other 1.5% (includes Muslim, Jewish, Hindu), none 8.3% (2022 est.)

There has been a recent increase in Evangelical worship towards the Apostolic and Pentecostal churches. Two very large and publicly visible groups are the Vapostori and Zion Christian Church. Vapostori is an amalgamation of traditional religion with Christianity. Its worshippers often gather outdoors in white robes. The Zion Christian Church also fuses African traditions with Christian values. Its followers often wear a metal star badge with a dark green cloth background on top of their everyday clothes.

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